Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Ontario (2001-2005)

Read the Atlas from the beginning or select from the species accounts below

Foreword xi
Acknowledgements xiv
Introduction 1
Methods 2
The Biogeography of Ontario, with Special Reference to Birds 11
Coverage and Results – An Overview 23
Changes in Bird Distributions between Atlases 32
Interpreting Species Accounts 49
Species Accounts 55
Snow Goose 56
Ross’s Goose 58
Cackling Goose 60
Canada Goose 62
Mute Swan 64
Trumpeter Swan 66
Tundra Swan 68
Wood Duck 70
Gadwall 72
American Wigeon 74
American Black Duck 76
Mallard 78
Blue-winged Teal 80
Northern Shoveler 82
Northern Pintail 84
Green-winged Teal 86
Canvasback 88
Redhead 90
Ring-necked Duck 92
Greater Scaup 94
Lesser Scaup 96
Common Eider 98
Surf Scoter 100
White-winged Scoter 102
Black Scoter 104
Long-tailed Duck 106
Bufflehead 108
Common Goldeneye 110
Hooded Merganser 112
Common Merganser 114
Red-breasted Merganser 116
Ruddy Duck 118
Gray Partridge 120
Ring-necked Pheasant 122
Ruffed Grouse 124
Spruce Grouse 126
Willow Ptarmigan 128
Sharp-tailed Grouse 130
Wild Turkey 132
Northern Bobwhite 134
Red-throated Loon 136
Pacific Loon 138
Common Loon 140
Pied-billed Grebe 142
Horned Grebe 144
Red-necked Grebe 146
Eared Grebe 148
American White Pelican 150
Double-crested Cormorant 152
American Bittern 154
Least Bittern 156
Great Blue Heron 158
Great Egret 160
Green Heron 162
Black-crowned Night-Heron 164
Turkey Vulture 166
Osprey 168
Bald Eagle 170
Northern Harrier 172
Sharp-shinned Hawk 174
Cooper’s Hawk 176
Northern Goshawk 178
Red-shouldered Hawk 180
Broad-winged Hawk 182
Red-tailed Hawk 184
Rough-legged Hawk 186
Golden Eagle 188
American Kestrel 190
Merlin 192
Peregrine Falcon 194
Yellow Rail 196
King Rail 198
Virginia Rail 200
Sora 202
Common Moorhen 204
American Coot 206
Sandhill Crane 208
American Golden-Plover 210
Semipalmated Plover 212
Piping Plover 214
Killdeer 216
Black-necked Stilt 218
Spotted Sandpiper 220
Solitary Sandpiper 222
Greater Yellowlegs 224
Lesser Yellowlegs 226
Upland Sandpiper 228
Whimbrel 230
Hudsonian Godwit 232
Marbled Godwit 234
Semipalmated Sandpiper 236
Least Sandpiper 238
Pectoral Sandpiper 240
Dunlin 242
Stilt Sandpiper 244
Short-billed Dowitcher 246
Wilson’s Snipe 248
American Woodcock 250
Wilson’s Phalarope 252
Red-necked Phalarope 254
Little Gull 256
Bonaparte’s Gull 258
Ring-billed Gull 260
Herring Gull 262
Great Black-backed Gull 264
Caspian Tern 266
Black Tern 268
Common Tern 270
Arctic Tern 272
Forster’s Tern 274
Parasitic Jaeger 276
Rock Pigeon 278
Eurasian Collared-Dove 280
Mourning Dove 282
Yellow-billed Cuckoo 284
Black-billed Cuckoo 286
Barn Owl 288
Eastern Screech-Owl 290
Great Horned Owl 292
Northern Hawk Owl 294
Barred Owl 296
Great Gray Owl 298
Long-eared Owl 300
Short-eared Owl 302
Boreal Owl 304
Northern Saw-whet Owl 306
Common Nighthawk 308
Chuck-will’s-widow 310
Whip-poor-will 312
Chimney Swift 314
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 316
Belted Kingfisher 318
Red-headed Woodpecker 320
Red-bellied Woodpecker 322
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 324
Downy Woodpecker 326
Hairy Woodpecker 328
American Three-toed Woodpecker 330
Black-backed Woodpecker 332
Northern Flicker 334
Pileated Woodpecker 336
Olive-sided Flycatcher 338
Eastern Wood-Pewee 340
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher 342
Acadian Flycatcher 344
Alder Flycatcher 346
Willow Flycatcher 348
Least Flycatcher 350
Eastern Phoebe 352
Great Crested Flycatcher 354
Western Kingbird 356
Eastern Kingbird 358
Loggerhead Shrike 360
Northern Shrike 362
White-eyed Vireo 364
Yellow-throated Vireo 366
Blue-headed Vireo 368
Warbling Vireo 370
Philadelphia Vireo 372
Red-eyed Vireo 374
Gray Jay 376
Blue Jay 378
Black-billed Magpie 380
American Crow 382
Common Raven 384
Horned Lark 386
Purple Martin 388
Tree Swallow 390
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 392
Bank Swallow 394
Cliff Swallow 396
Barn Swallow 398
Black-capped Chickadee 400
Boreal Chickadee 402
Tufted Titmouse 404
Red-breasted Nuthatch 406
White-breasted Nuthatch 408
Brown Creeper 410
Carolina Wren 412
House Wren 414
Winter Wren 416
Sedge Wren 418
Marsh Wren 420
Golden-crowned Kinglet 422
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 424
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 426
Northern Wheatear 428
Eastern Bluebird 430
Veery 432
Gray-cheeked Thrush 434
Swainson’s Thrush 436
Hermit Thrush 438
Wood Thrush 440
American Robin 442
Gray Catbird 444
Northern Mockingbird 446
Brown Thrasher 448
European Starling 450
American Pipit 452
Sprague’s Pipit 454
Bohemian Waxwing 456
Cedar Waxwing 458
Blue-winged Warbler 460
Golden-winged Warbler 462
Brewster’s and Lawrence’s Warbler 464
Tennessee Warbler 466
Orange-crowned Warbler 468
Nashville Warbler 470
Northern Parula 472
Yellow Warbler 474
Chestnut-sided Warbler 476
Magnolia Warbler 478
Cape May Warbler 480
Black-throated Blue Warbler 482
Yellow-rumped Warbler 484
Black-throated Green Warbler 486
Blackburnian Warbler 488
Pine Warbler 490
Prairie Warbler 492
Palm Warbler 494
Bay-breasted Warbler 496
Blackpoll Warbler 498
Cerulean Warbler 500
Black-and-white Warbler 502
American Redstart 504
Prothonotary Warbler 506
Worm-eating Warbler 508
Ovenbird 510
Northern Waterthrush 512
Louisiana Waterthrush 514
Kentucky Warbler 516
Connecticut Warbler 518
Mourning Warbler 520
Common Yellowthroat 522
Hooded Warbler 524
Wilson’s Warbler 526
Canada Warbler 528
Yellow-breasted Chat 530
Summer Tanager 532
Scarlet Tanager 534
Eastern Towhee 536
American Tree Sparrow 538
Chipping Sparrow 540
Clay-colored Sparrow 542
Field Sparrow 544
Vesper Sparrow 546
Savannah Sparrow 548
Grasshopper Sparrow 550
Henslow’s Sparrow 552
Le Conte’s Sparrow 554
Nelson’s Sharp-tailed Sparrow 556
Fox Sparrow 558
Song Sparrow 560
Lincoln’s Sparrow 562
Swamp Sparrow 564
White-throated Sparrow 566
Harris’s Sparrow 568
White-crowned Sparrow 570
Dark-eyed Junco 572
Lapland Longspur 574
Smith’s Longspur 576
Northern Cardinal 578
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 580
Indigo Bunting 582
Dickcissel 584
Bobolink 586
Red-winged Blackbird 588
Eastern Meadowlark 590
Western Meadowlark 592
Yellow-headed Blackbird 594
Rusty Blackbird 596
Brewer’s Blackbird 598
Common Grackle 600
Brown-headed Cowbird 602
Orchard Oriole 604
Baltimore Oriole 606
Pine Grosbeak 608
Purple Finch 610
House Finch 612
Red Crossbill 614
White-winged Crossbill 616
Common Redpoll 618
Hoary Redpoll 620
Pine Siskin 622
American Goldfinch 624
Evening Grosbeak 626
House Sparrow 628
Historical Breeders 630
Brant 630
Cinnamon Teal 630
King Eider 630
Greater Prairie-Chicken 630
Snowy Egret 630
Cattle Egret 630
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron 631
Purple Gallinule 631
American Avocet 631
Purple Sandpiper 631
California Gull 631
Glaucous Gull 631
Black Guillemot 632
Passenger Pigeon 632
Snowy Owl 632
Bewick’s Wren 632
Mountain Bluebird 632
Kirtland’s Warbler 633
Lark Sparrow 633
Snow Bunting 633
Appendix 1. Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas: Data Processing, Review, and Validation 635
Appendix 2. Summary of Breeding Evidence Reported during the First and Second Atlas Projects 638
Appendix 3. Proportional Change between Atlases for Each Species by Region and Habitat Classification 647
Appendix 4.Abundance Data Collection and Mapping 652
Appendix 5. Population Size Estimates for Ontario Birds, Based on Point Counts 655
Appendix 6. Some Bird Conservation Initiatives in Ontario 658
Appendix 7. Gazetteer of Ontario Place Names Used in the Text 661
Appendix 8. Plant and Animal Names Used in the Text 666
Appendix 9. Glossary 668
Literature Cited 671
Index of English, French, and Scientific Names 701
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Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas, Birds Canada, 115 Front Street, P.O. Box 160 Port Rowan, ON, N0E 1M0 Canada
Phone: 1-519-586-3531 E-mail: