Monthly Challenge
We’re pleased to announce that the Atlas will be running a monthly challenge to help encourage atlassers in their work and thank them for their efforts. Each month, a bird-related prize will be sent to a lucky atlasser who met that month’s challenge. We’ll be laying out the challenge and the prize in the week ahead of the target month.
2025 February Challenge!
Two ways to win binoculars with the February challenge!
We really want all that data so we’re giving away TWO pairs of binoculars this month – one pair to a new registrant who submits data and another pair to someone who inspires a new Atlasser!
How it works:
Simply register for the Atlas and then start entering checklists with breeding evidence for any time in the Atlas period (2021 to present) before the end of February. All new registrants will get an entry for each checklist with at least one species “coded” with breeding evidence.
Already registered for the Atlas? Great! Keep those checklists coming, but you could win a pair of binoculars if you get someone new to join the Atlas! The new registrant who wins will get to pick the existing Atlasser who convinced them to join to also win a pair of binoculars!
Your data are crucial! We can’t wait to see all that you’ve observed. Don’t wait – this is your last chance to participate before the final field season of Atlas-3!
If you’re new to the Atlas, be sure to check out our quick-start page and if you’re also an existing eBird user, be sure to read our eBird and the Atlas page.

Past Challenges:
January 2025

Submit any checklist with breeding evidence during the month of January, and you’ll earn entries into a draw for a pair of Vortex binoculars!
Whether you’re catching up on old data or new to the Atlas and migrating your checklists from eBird or other records, your contributions help shape our understanding of bird populations. And of course, you’ll have a chance to win an exciting prize along the way!
Your data are crucial! We can’t wait to see all that you’ve observed. Don’t wait – this is your last chance to participate before the final field season of Atlas-3!
August 2023+2024

Challenge Time🏆! For the month of August, we want to grow our media library. Submit your photos or other media related to the Atlas – it could be Atlassers in action, birds, habitats, or breeding evidence. Each photo you submit will get you an entry for the prize. Open to anyone in Ontario, but please consider registering for the Atlas. Submissions via our media submission form:
The prize – one pair of Vortex Binoculars!
June and July 2023+2024

Challenge Time🏆! For the months of June and July, we want to encourage you to upgrade breeding evidence and visit new squares. To be entered for your chance to win, simply upgrade the breeding evidence for any species in a square. You’ll get an entry each time you manage to do this, so be strategic – visiting a square with little or no coverage could net you dozens of entries if those species have no breeding evidence yet!
The prize – one pair of Vortex Binoculars each month! Thank you to Vortex for generously supporting the Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas!
May 2023+2024

Challenge Time🏆! For the month of May, we want to celebrate all the improvements to the NatureCounts App. Submit ten complete checklists with at least one coded (breeding evidence) species using the NatureCounts app to be entered for your chance to win. For a bonus entry, share this video about the challenge on social media and be sure to tag the Atlas. The prize – one pair of Vortex Binoculars!
April 2023

Challenge Time🏆! For the month of April, in preparation for ✨YEAR 3 KICKOFF✨, we want you to submit photos of anything Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas related! The prize – one pair of Vortex Binoculars! Post photos, videos, audio, etc., of a memorable encounter, atlassing with friends, interesting habitats surveyed, and more! Tag @onbirdatlas on Instagram or Twitter, or @onbreedingbirdatlas on Facebook, or submit photos to our media submission page ( by April 30th for a chance to win!
December 2022

Tis’ the season for prizes and gifts!
Are you ready to test your off-season knowledge and memory? Try out the monthly challenge for December – an ID quiz! Choose your own adventure and skill level for a chance to win an online $25 gift certificate for Birds and Beans. Help the birds that breed in Ontario and migrate south to forested habitat for their overwintering grounds, by choosing certified Bird-Friendly coffee grounds!
Access the quiz here:
Learn more about bird-friendly coffee here:
November 2022

This year we have seen some amazing effort by dedicated volunteers, and we’re looking forward to continuing that in future years to increase our coverage. This month, we want to hear from you – our valuable atlassers! Where do you spend most of your time atlassing? Would you consider traveling over an hour away to increase coverage for the Atlas? How would you like to atlas in the northern part of Southern Ontario, or even further north (why or why not)? Send your answers to atlas[at] by Nov 30th, with the subject line: “Gap-filling answers”, for a chance to win an Ontario Parks toque and toiletry bag. We’re looking forward to hearing about your experience and interest in atlassing to decrease coverage gaps, so we can gather the best data available to help conserve Ontario’s breeding birds!
October 2022

No tricks here, submit your atlassing data for 2022 by October 31st, for a chance to treat yourself to a new Birds Canada hat! Submit data:
September 2022

Submit a photo of people atlassing with a sentence or two describing the atlassing adventure by Sep 30th, for a chance to win a one year subscription to Birds Canada’s quarterly magazine, BirdWatch! We want to see and share what everyone has been up to this season. Submit photos here:
August 2022

Have you been hearing interesting hoots or calls recently at night? Complete a Long-eared Owl survey by August 14th, and submit your data by August 31st, 2022, for a chance to win a copy of “Algonquin Park: A Portrait” – a perfect way to wrap up August by looking forward to the beauty of fall and the changing colours of leaves.
July 2022

Challenge time! There’s nothing quite like hearing elusive marshbirds in the early morning or late afternoon. Complete a marshbird survey by July 10th or 17th (based on your region – see instructions), and submit your data by July 31st, 2022, for a chance to win an Atlas-3 hat to protect you from the summer sun!
June 2022

Near the end of June, the Ontario Atlas will be collaborating with other provinces and states for the annual Big Atlas Weekend – a joint event for Atlases being run in Ontario, Newfoundland, New York, Maine, Maryland and DC, and North Carolina! Go atlasing between 6:00 pm EDT Friday, June 24 and 11:59 pm EDT Sunday, June 26 and submit your checklist* through NatureCounts to be entered to win a Cornell Lab of Ornithology Bird Academy course of your choosing.
May 2022

Spring has sprung and peak atlassing season is just around the corner: May 24 for the south and June 1 for the North! For the May challenge, add 25 new species (with breeding evidence) to a square for a chance to win The Crossley ID Guide: Raptors. Make sure you’re familiar with the Safe Dates when atlassing in the shoulder season!
April 2022

It’s time for the April challenge🏆! Spring is in the air, the birds are pouring back in and nesting behaviour is starting! It’s time to start preparing for the coming season and connect with fellow atlassers! For this month’s challenge, atlassers who have signed up for the new Atlas-3 Discord Discussion Group by April 30th will have a chance to win a Vortex Harness Strap. Discord will be the ideal place to learn and get answers to all your atlassing questions. Learn how to register for Discord by visiting:
March 2022

Challenge time! Owls are fascinating but they represent a special challenge to monitor; they are secretive, they breed early in the year, and they often roost in concealed locations. For this month’s challenge, complete at least one Eastern Screech-Owl Atlas Survey or one Northern Hawk Owl Atlas Survey. Each survey submitted before March 31st will give you a chance to win a lens cleaning kit (which we all might need about now!), while providing valuable data on the distribution and abundance of these owls. View the protocols and watch a recent Sappy Hour on completing the owl surveys. Contact your RC prior to completing the survey to discuss survey location!
February 2022

Challenge time! Owls are fascinating but they represent a special challenge to monitor; they are secretive, they breed early in the year, and they often roost in concealed locations. For this month’s challenge, complete at least one Eastern Screech-Owl Atlas Survey or one Northern Hawk Owl Atlas Survey. Each survey submitted before March 31st will give you a chance to win a lens cleaning kit (which we all might need about now!), while providing valuable data on the distribution and abundance of these owls. View the protocols and watch a recent Sappy Hour on completing the owl surveys. Contact your RC prior to completing the survey to discuss survey location!
January 2022

Challenge time – lightning round! Winter is a great opportunity to learn identification – of nests! With less leaves on the trees, many old nests are more visible which provides a chance to study them up close. By January 31st, submit 5 checklists using the NU breeding code for a chance to win the shiny new Peterson Field Guide to North American Bird Nests! Visit and to learn more about nest searching and breeding evidence codes.
December 2021

Reading a book while wrapped in a blanket is becoming more tempting as the nights get colder. This month, submit 5 checklists recorded at night for a chance to win a copy of the Atlas 1 & 2 books. No special protocol is needed. Take some time to get familiar with the sounds of the night, and see what you can hear! Submit all checklists by December 31, 2021. Happy h-owl-idays!
November 2021

Sit quietly and immerse yourself in the sounds of northern Ontario’s boreal forest while practicing your song ID skills for the next atlassing season. Which species can you hear? Identify at least 5 different species of birds present in this 3-minute recording from Fushimi Lake Provincial Park in Atlas region 42. Send us the list by November 30th for a chance to win artwork by Kingsville-based wildlife artist Leon Barlow (5 cards and 1 print). If you enjoy this challenge, consider atlassing in northern Ontario during the next breeding season to collect valuable data to help us learn more about breeding boreal birds! Submit entries here:
October 2021

Challenge time! With trees changing their appearance outside, we invite you to share a story of ‘birds in disguise’; an accidental misidentification, a perfectly placed sunbeam on plumage disguising it as a mega rarity, a Field Sparrow singing a Hooded Warbler song? Submit your story and/or photo using the submission form by October 31, 2021, for a chance to win a winter roost box. We’re starting to bundle up with the cooler weather, and birds could use a safe, warm space to roost too. Good luck!
September 2021

As the breeding season comes to a close and fall migration continues, we want to hear from you! Share a story of your best Atlas adventure so far by September 30. Submit using the submission form, and feel free to share on social media, for a chance to win Birds And Beans Coffee and a mug, so you can be sure that your coffee grounds are helping protect habitat on the overwintering grounds.
August 2021

Challenge time! Many bird species will be preparing to make their long, dangerous journey back to their overwintering grounds soon. This includes many juvenile birds that were born during the Peak Period of the season! For this month’s challenge, be sure to enter all of your Atlas data by the end of August! Participants who have submitted at least 50 hours of Atlas data collected during the Peak Period (May 24 – July 10 in the South, and June 1 – July 10 in the North) will have a chance to win a pack of Feather Friendly Window Collision Tape to reduce the impact of window collisions on migratory birds.
July 2021

This July, why not enjoy a quiet summer evening under the stars while listening for the unique sound of nightjars? Complete a Nightjar survey before July 15th and enter your results in NatureCounts before July 31st for a chance to win a tote bag to carry all of your birding gear!
June 2021

For the June challenge, submit 10 complete checklists with breeding evidence for at least 20 species by the end of June to have a chance to be one of TWO winners to receive a copy of the ‘Best Places to Bird in Ontario’. Learn about documenting breeding evidence in Appendix G
May 2021

May is here, and that means the return of warbler neck! Give your neck a reprieve from carrying your binoculars, by winning this month’s challenge – a Vortex binocular harness strap. Submit ten complete checklists by the end of May, with coordinates for at least one species for a chance to win. Learn how to submit data here:
April 2021

Challenge time! April showers makes for a great opportunity to study indoors, which is why this month’s prize of Chris Earley’s guides to warblers and sparrows/finches are up for grabs! Registered Atlassers can submit 1 checklist by the end of April, which includes a significant species with proper documentation for a chance to win these guides. Find out which species are significant, by looking at the square summary sheets for your square(s). Learn more here:
March 2021

The challenge for March 2021 is to submit checklists that include the breeding evidence code ‘T’ (Presumed Territory) or higher for any species from the safety of your backyard or neighbourhood. You’ll find the breeding evidence codes here. This month’s prize will be a Chickadee/Wren nesting box! The winner will be randomly drawn on April 1 from among those who have both registered for the Atlas and submitted checklists before the end of March! Good luck!
February 2021

The challenge for February 2021 is a fun opportunity for you to test your atlassing knowledge by completing a short multiple choice quiz. This month’s prize will be a seventh edition Peterson Field Guide to Birds of Eastern and Central North America. The winner will be randomly drawn on Monday March 1 from among those who have both registered for the Atlas and completed the quiz before the end of February, and the prize will be sent out right away! Have fun and good luck!
January 2021

The challenge for January 2021 is an easy one. All you have to do to become eligible for the prize is to register as an Atlas participant. The month’s prize will be two autographed photographic field guides by Chris Earley: Hawks & Owls of Eastern North America, and Waterfowl of Eastern North America. The winner will be drawn randomly on Monday February 1 from among those who have registered for the project before the end of January, and the prize will be sent out right away.