Atlas Quiz

The following quiz is designed to help you learn how to use the appropriate atlas breeding codes and how to deal with real-life situations while you are out atlassing. Almost all questions have been inspired by actual questions submitted by participants. In some cases, you may find that you would have interpreted a situation differently, but one of the goal of the quiz is also to try promoting a consistent approach by all participants when faced with similar conditions. If you have new questions to suggest, we encourage you to submit them to the atlas office.

Question # 84 of 110. You are compiling the number of birds of each species encountered during your morning of fifteen point counts and you obtain at least seven «singing» individuals for 16 species of songbirds as well as for Rock Pigeon and Ring-billed Gull. In the breeding evidence form, should you: A) Mark {S} for all these species? B) Mark {M} for all these species? C) Mark {M} for the 16 species of songbirds and the Rock Pigeon?
Photo: Mark Peck

Choose the most appropriate answer:

 A    B    C  
Select a breeding code to see the definition

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Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas, Birds Canada, 115 Front Street, P.O. Box 160 Port Rowan, ON, N0E 1M0 Canada
Phone: 1-519-586-3531 E-mail: Banner photo: John Reaume