Mapping Resources

The Square Resources page allows you to search for any square and to download the PDF map, the square summary sheet, or the point count locations in GPX or KMZ format.

The Coverage Map shows the atlas coverage so far. You can select a statistic (eg. number of hours, or number of point counts), as well as highlight priority squares. Clicking anywhere on the map provides you with all statistics for a given square.

Native Land is a resource to help learn more about Indigenous territories, languages, lands, and ways of life.  We encourage you to explore the map and investigate the other resources available through this site.

The map viewer is an interactive tool that shows Atlas blocks, squares, and planned Atlas point count locations in the context of First Nation Reserve lands. Zoom in to see planned Atlas point count locations along with First Nation reserve lands (First Nations Locations and Aboriginal Lands of Canada Legislative Boundaries).  Permission is required to conduct Atlas surveys within First Nation reserve boundaries. The map viewer is intended to help identify where obtaining permission is necessary before conducting surveys. The map viewer is also intended to be useful for community members, to help provide information about the Atlas, to anticipate how Atlas data might contribute to community information needs, and to assist with considerations of becoming involved in the Atlas.

The Region Maps provide an overview of the roads, squares,  protected areas, and First Nation Reserve Lands that fall within each Region’s boundaries.

The interactive Species Mapping tool allows you to search for any species across a user-defined time period to determine where that species has been found in the past.

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Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas, Birds Canada, 115 Front Street, P.O. Box 160 Port Rowan, ON, N0E 1M0 Canada
Phone: 1-519-586-3531 E-mail: