Atlas Partners

The Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas is a partnership project of:

The mission of Birds Canada (formerly Bird Studies Canada) is to conserve wild birds through sound science, on-the-ground actions, innovative partnerships, public engagement, and science-based advocacy. Birds Canada is a non-profit, charitable organization built on the enthusiastic contributions of thousands of caring members and volunteer Citizen Scientists. Data collected by Citizen Scientists, alongside targeted research projects, are used to identify significant bird population changes and help direct conservation planning. Our national headquarters is located in Port Rowan, Ontario, connected to the historic Long Point Bird Observatory. For more information, contact:, 1-888-448-2473, 115 Front Road, PO Box 160, Port Rowan, ON N0E 1M0. Or visit us at:
Environment and Climate Change Canada manages wildlife matters that are the responsibility of the federal government. These include protection and management of Migratory Birds, nationally significant habitat, and Species at Risk, as well as monitoring and research on other wildlife issues of national and international importance. The department does research in many fields of wildlife biology and provides incentive programs for wildlife and habitat stewardship. As such, Environment and Climate Change Canada is pleased to support the Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas. Read about Environment and Climate Change Canada’s work on Migratory Birds here.
The Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) is the provincial organization dedicated to the study of birds in Ontario. It publishes the journal Ontario Birds and the newsletter OFO News, operates the listserv Ontbirds, hosts field trips, holds an annual convention, oversees the Ontario Bird Records Committee (OBRC), and maintains the official provincial bird checklist. OFO is pleased to be an Atlas partner, serving on the Management Board and committees. For more information, visit:
The Ministry of Natural Resources – Government of Ontario (OMNR) is responsible for the management and stewardship of Ontario’s natural resources, including the responsibility for non-migratory birds and the habitats of all bird species that breed in the province. With active research and monitoring programs across the province the OMNR is able to actively support and assist with data collection (particularly in Northern Ontario) to deliver another world-class breeding bird atlas. OMNR is pleased to support the Atlas through representation on the Management Board and Atlas organizing committees. For more information on the ministry and its programs, visit:
Ontario Nature is pleased to partner on the third Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas, building on the success of the first two atlas projects. A charitable organization, Ontario Nature protects wild species and wild spaces through conservation, education and public engagement. Established in 1931, Ontario Nature represents more than 150 member groups, and 30,000 individual members and supporters from across Ontario – many of whom have been Atlas volunteers. Address: Ontario Nature, 720 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M5S 2R4. Contact:, toll free, 1-800-440-2366. Learn more:
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Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas, Birds Canada, 115 Front Street, P.O. Box 160 Port Rowan, ON, N0E 1M0 Canada
Phone: 1-519-586-3531 E-mail: